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What Single Women Want According to Online Dating Data

A single woman smiling as her date holds her chin on the beach.

Maybe you’ve been on date after date after date, and after all the cocktails, mini-golf, movies, and comedy clubs you either get ghosted or she breaks things off. Either way, the women you’re seeing aren’t interested and you’re not sure why. Now you’re at home alone again with your TV and a midnight bowl of cheerios, asking yourself what are women looking for these days?

It’s a good question. And the answer isn’t an easy one to answer. But to help you out, the online dating app Zoosk took a look into the data to see what words women are using to describe their ideal partners. What they found may surprise you.

Make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.
Turns out the popular phrase from Marilyn Monroe is right. Humor, sense of humor, and laugh were some of the most popular words that women used to describe their partners in profiles and messages. Women absolutely love a funny guy. No questions asked. Whether you’re stand-up comedian extraordinaire or you’re still back and forth about that improv Groupon, being funny and having jokes on the ready are big turn-ons for most women.

Chivalry isn’t dead.
If someone tells you otherwise, don’t listen. Being a good person never goes out of fashion and now we have the dating data to prove it. Other popular attributes women mentioned in their dating profile was a guy who’s honest and kind.

Girls just want to have fun.
This should go without saying, but I’m going to say it. In dating, fun is important. No matter your level of commitment, keep it fun. Whether you’re looking for a casual situation or a serious relationship, people want to smile and feel free. Dating is as much about getting lost as it is about finding. Fun is the chemical X that makes that feeling happen.

A family man is always in style.
Interestingly enough, according to the data women across all different age groups are looking for men who value family. Yes, that includes women in their 20s. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean kids, (although kids was a fairly popular word, too) but just valuing family in general. Someone’s relationship with his family can say a lot about a person, and the data says women agree.

You don’t have to be extraordinary.
It’s true. Single women are just looking for someone who’s a little bit on the mild side. Down to earth and easy going were both fairly popular words that women used to describe their ideal partners. Women in their 40s and 50s feel even stronger about this.

Know your way around.
Women like men who know their way around the globe. Travel has definitely become a hot word over the last couple decades, but it’s also a good way to net a partner. Globe trotting can make you a more interesting and sensitive partner.

Be a guy who cares.
Caring is a word that consistently showed up in the descriptions women wrote about what qualities they were looking for. No matter what the media says about declining romance, people are still looking for caring relationships.

By the numbers, these are the ways that single women are describing their ideal partners. Of course, this is not every woman, nor do you have to fit every characteristic, but it’s certainly good to understand just a little bit more about types of qualities that are universally appealing.

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